Sunday, April 02, 2006

Real ME.

Actually according to GH Mead, I should change the "me" in the blog title to "I" which represents "individual". "Me" represents the social self which constantly process through the thoughts of the latter and act accordingly to what should be done and not what "I" can do. Interesting theory of Symbolic Interaction. If you are interested in Sociology and wish to get some referrences, do approach me and I will try to assist you in any ways I can.

All this while, I have been blogging things which are the "me" thoughts and contents has been seived so that any inappropriate ideas would already be deleted from my mind. If I would have an entry of all about the "I" thoughts, you guys won't want to read it. Trust me. I am beginning to fall in love with Sociology. =)

"I" miss Sylvester. "Me" says that I should do what I have to do. Hee.

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