Friday, January 07, 2011


忙,忙,忙! 忙,忙,忙! 不忙也得忙!

First thing first, clear my room thoroughly! Out go the 2 old cupboards, and making way for the baby cot.

Got to buy stroller and car seat.

Pack my hospital bag. Get ready documents to be brought down to hospital.

Test the sterilizer and breast pump.

Revise through on how to take care of the baby (ma chiam like studying for practical exam!), read through how to breastfeed.

What else needs to be done?

Tuesday, January 04, 2011

~ 2011 ~

Resolutions for the year 2011:

1) To be a good mother, wife, daughter, sister, friend.
2) To keep my room at the most tip top condition, i.e. no dust to be found! (ehhh... hahaa..)
3) To continue with my studies (if possible)

I'll add on if I can think of anymore! =)