Monday, April 17, 2006

What can I do?

I really hate exams and having a 100% exam based bachelor degree isn't going to help either! I am starting to regret of opting for UOL programme! Sigh. But what to do? I have come so far and the opportunity cost of switching course is really high. Not worthwhile to do so. Should I study part time and start working full time? I am pondering.

Well, sometimes I wonder by just memorising for the sake of the examinations, will we actually remember it for life and apply them during our course of work? I doubt so. Thus, UOL has come up with questions such that it isn't about writting descriptive essays. Rather, we will have to process throught the knowledge and know when and how to apply them in our answers. Sigh.

Sigh. Yeah. I am doing it again. Sigh.

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