Sunday, January 29, 2006

Red. 8. Smile.

This is my 3rd time rewritting this entry. Argh. Can't seem to be satisfied with what I've typed. So many things on my mind and heart which I wished to write them in words. As I read my past entries, I could not believe that those were actually typed by me! Sigh.

Okie. My title. Those are words which can relate to the Chinese festive season. Old people don't like you to wear black or dark colours. 8 is the lucky number. But for this year, 9 may also be special because it sounds like dog in dialect! This year's zodiac is DOG! Woof woof.

8th Uncle and Auntie came over this evening. My cousin and I were chatting about our past and how time flies! His sister was married and now having a child! Hee. Sigh. When will it be my turn? Hee. Yup! I can't wait for that day to come!

2nd Uncle came this afternoon for lunch but he left earlier so that he could catch a movie. He seems to have aged quiet a lot! Hee.

Tml is going to be another busy day. God bless my love ones and me!

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