Saturday, January 28, 2006

Qian nian wan yu..

Lots of things in my heart but I can't "pen" them down. I am just glad that things are finally settled and over with. Sometimes, I wonder, is it the works of the Devil?

Am I too expressive? Am I that hyprocrite? I ponder. I began to doubt myself. Cos people said I was. I felt hurt but who knows that? Well, now everyone does cos I'm writing it here. Ha. What an irony.

Communication is so so so so important in our lives! Unnecessarily misunderstandings arised just because we didn't talk things out! Sigh.

Peace. Love. I do love you people. Please do not doubt it. If you are reading this entry, I would like to take this opportunity to apologise. For whatever wrongs that you all think I have done, I sincerely apologised for that! Please accept my apologies and let's try to build up our friendship? I am tired and I think we all are too. Cheers to our new start!

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