Monday, October 23, 2006


Sense of urgency. Have I totally lost it or what!? What have I been up to recently during the weekends!? Should be studying and mugging the whole day and not wasting my day by sleeping, makaning and using the internet! Shux! I forsee myself not excelling for my one and only final year exams!

Wake up! I got to clear my mind with all the shitty dieting stuff and start mugging from now onwards! Yes! There isn't any shortcut to getting good grades but to start studying and revising right now(It's t = 0 where t stands for time!)! Whatever..

Have been thinking through a lot for the past few days. Don't create unnecessarily problems that doesn't even exist in the first place!!! That is what I should do!

Life is as such.. No degree, no stepping stone into good companies.. No stepping stone, how on earth how are you going to show your "execellent" productivity to your boss? How are you going to climb up the ladder in the corporate world!?

So Jasmine, wake up your silly "shortcut" ideas and start using my brains and muscles now!

What on earth am I typing!? Whatever!?

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