Still remember we were still young kids then. Always hanging out at Ah ma's place or tonning over at each other's house! Hee.. And now, we are all grown up kids. Cousin Jasmine's brother is out of NS and has been working for quite some time. My brother is now serving the nation.. Same goes to another cousin of ours whom we used to play with!
Taken this while I was on the train back home with my mommy! Cool huh? Haha... Yeah.. live to be your best and try to excel in whatever you do!
Hurts my heart to see dar dar slogging his heart out for his studies! He's doing extended OT meaning another 2 more hours of OT added on to his normal OT hours! I am praying that he can remain strong with God's strength and grace! Dar, I know you can make it!
Am now waiting for my di's call! Can't wait to see hear him on the phone!
Am overeating whenever I am out with my mom! HELP!!! Hahaa.. Gonna go for a long job tomorrow morning and afternoon!!!
2242hrs: My brother msg saying that he's good! Hee.. M i being too naggy!? Perhaps I should juz let go!
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