The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love. If someone comes into your life and becomes a a part of you but for some reasons he couldn't stay, don't cry too much...just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while.
Saturday, September 30, 2006
Guardian Angel.
.guardian angel of Jamine Lee
God was so good to me that He has brought the most adorable and cutest guy into my life. A listener and confidate, he never fails to understand what I have been going through. Sometimes, my mood swings can make me erupt like a volcano but he never seems to throw his temper back at me. Where can I find another guy who can tolerate with all my nonsense!? No one else can take away that special place he has in my heart. No one else can make me fall in love with him so truely, deeply and madly except him.
God, if You allow, please let me grow together with Bester, be in physically, mentally and spiritually! Love ya, pumpkin swee. =P
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Mobile phone craze. A phone that I can't wait to lay my hands on. Hee. - Sony Ecrisson Z610i
Another gadget that I'm thinking of getting. My old one is going to fall apart into pieces pretty soon. Hee. Pink! Ah! Beginning to resemble somone le! Candice ah, don't bash me okie? - Sony CyberShot DSC-T10
Any kind souls out there? Christmas is nearing! =P
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Sushi making.
.assistant chef: Jasmine san
delicacy: sushi
Hike. We made delicious sushi. Here are the ingredients we bought back from Shop and Save early in the morning. Hee. Okie lah. Not exactly that early but comparing to the past, we had certainly woke up much earlier le! Had a sumptous breakfast at Bengawan Solo. Ordered pisang kueh, jiu cheng gao, tau sah pau and sponge cake from Pau Dian. Not forgetting the thick aroma from the coffee that never fails to perk us up!
.Chief chef writing down his secret recipe! Hee.
.Secret to making great tamago!
Hee. Will be making tangyuen in a while!
Thursday, September 21, 2006
Long wait.
But feel kinda worried for him. He hurt his leg, specifically his hip.. erm.. also dunno how I can describe that area. Daddy will be bringing him to see a "tui na" tml. Hee..
My brother shared lots of interesting stuff with us! And the whole family is talking a lot more than ever. Simply love that feeling. But still it is incomplete. My dar isn't with us as he has got night lessons. Miss him!
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
My Room.
.room owner: Jasmine Lee
.criteria: Walk in wardrobe, simplicity, get rid of clutteredness.
I am proud to say, that my dar dar has done it again! My room feels so comfy that I didn't want get out of the bed! Usually I am the earlier bird but this morning, dear actually woke up before me! =)
Bought a floor lamp, a computer chair and some other stuff. With some moving of the furniture here and there, woala!, I've the most comfy room (well, in my opinion though!) in the whole wide world! Of course, dar's room is another room that I love too!
Thank you so much dear!
Sitting by the window, hearing the laughter of the kids, enjoying the sun rays and the cooling wind..
-enjoying life! [Like wat dar told me this morning.. =)]
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
On a happy note, I have started, seriously, reading up and practising on my school work! Yeap! 3 cheers for Jasmine!? Will I be able to create another miracle? With God's grace and wisdom, I pray hard that I will be able to get at least a 2nd upper class honors! That is my main goal for now!
So exciting!!! After such a long wait, which is only like 4 mths, I will be revamping my room. The messy and smelly pig sty will be come gone! And here comes a new zen-feel room to brighten up my day! =) Wondering what I can buy for such a tight budget like mine! But I hope I will be able to make a change, a big one that is, to make my room totally different from what it seems to be!
Heh. Perhaps I should use the decision tree to help me make the most effective decisions!? Hee. Ignore me! I'm getting ga-ga over school stuff. Stressed.
Monday, September 18, 2006
Ate a lot yesterday! =) PMS!
Missing dar lots. Wonder what is he doingn now!
Sunday, September 17, 2006
[*BURP* (Am super full now! Ate mooncake in the morning, had milo, biscuits, tangyuen, mee rebus, kway tiao tng, half tau sah pia.. Haha.. yet to have dinner! Shux! There goes all my dieting again!)]
Hee. Went suntanning with Jen, Ying, Carinne, May, Min yesterday at Sentosa yesterday! That was like donkey years since we all last went out together! Saw quite Wahidah and Sharleen yesterday at Harbourfront area too! =) It's great to see good old friends after such a long time of not meeting up!
Reached there at about 10 plus!? Haa. Yeah. We met at 9am! Haa. But the morning sun is actually better in a sense that the rays aren't as harmful as compared to those in the noon. Hee. Found a comfy spot and we were all set to enjoy ourselves thoroughly! Played Frisbee and Captain's ball! Haa.. Speaking of the ball game, it kinda reminds me how we used to play during PE lessons back in secondary school then! Haa.. Imagine a bunch of girls chasing after a ball, tossing it here and there! Haa. Sceamings and laughter could be heard. Oh my, what a scene huh? Hehee..
[*Jasmine is rubbing her eyes* Yes! I am feeling sleepy. Supposed to be studying and not blogging right now!]
Hehe.. Anyway, when we were walking towards the bus stop, we were stopped by the same group of guys who had borrowed the ball from us earlier. They wanted to know Min.. and Ying too. They quite thick skin lah! Cos kenna rejected but still so persistent in getting their numbers!
We then board a bus from Harbourfront to Orchard. Hee. Had fun just walking around with 'em! Hee. Desmond came to join us and he and May need to exchange presents! Hee. Took a seat at Gelare as we were all tired from our suntanning session!
Left the group at about 4.45pm and headed towards PS with Min. She waited for Yibin to go home while I met up Sylvester who had already off work! Hee. Both of the guys are actually working at Starhub! Hee. What a coincidence huh? Went Taka with my hubby-to-be. Hee. Tasted lots of mooncakes before deciding on getting Ritz Carlton traditional mooncake for both of our families! The mooncakes really like melts in your mouth! During our tour in the fair, our song "Gu Dan Bei Ban Qiu" was played! I was excited but didn't show it to Bester. Hee. Bester bought an extra Snowskin mooncake from Ritz and he then gave me a milkshake treat from MOS. Awww.. Felt so contended again! =) Seated and having a chat.. with the milkshakes.. Makes me feel so loved by him! Seems like we just got to know each other!
*BURP* Shux! =)
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
Bester has been stressed out over his work, colleagues and school! Hope that we'll able to enjoy ourselves more often, like how we did today! Simply love him to the max! Oopz. Hee..

See!!! How much she has changed from then till now!!! Ah.. heee...
Really had a great time with Jen yesterday! We were just shopping around orchard area and lots of fond memories flow back to my mind! Those were the days when we used to hang out at west side shopping malls.. or MacDonalds that are near to our school! Hee.. Got caught once by our school Chemistry teacher while shopping at Westmall during examination period! Haa. We had a good laugh talking about our past yesterday!
Hey gal, thank you for your support and true frienship for the past 8 years! Really appreciate those times that we've been there for each other, through our ups and downs! If you don't mind, my arm will always be there for you to hold on! Till the day, we all are old..
To Jen, Wen, Ying, Carinne.. Buddies 4 eva!
To Hui, Juan, Ting.. Pals 4 eva!
Sunday, September 10, 2006
Sigh. Am using my brother's Apple laptop. Have got no idea how it works but got to switch it on once in a while. Am charging the lappie so that he can use it once he book out next next thurs! Coming soon.
My room is still in a mess. Promised Bester that I will tidy it up today. Yes, I will do it! Procrastination. Hee. Yup. Later is the word.
Hmm, the scent of the air. Makes me miss my brother even more! Hee.
Friday, September 08, 2006

Still remember we were still young kids then. Always hanging out at Ah ma's place or tonning over at each other's house! Hee.. And now, we are all grown up kids. Cousin Jasmine's brother is out of NS and has been working for quite some time. My brother is now serving the nation.. Same goes to another cousin of ours whom we used to play with!
Taken this while I was on the train back home with my mommy! Cool huh? Haha... Yeah.. live to be your best and try to excel in whatever you do!
Hurts my heart to see dar dar slogging his heart out for his studies! He's doing extended OT meaning another 2 more hours of OT added on to his normal OT hours! I am praying that he can remain strong with God's strength and grace! Dar, I know you can make it!
Am now waiting for my di's call! Can't wait to see hear him on the phone!
Am overeating whenever I am out with my mom! HELP!!! Hahaa.. Gonna go for a long job tomorrow morning and afternoon!!!
2242hrs: My brother msg saying that he's good! Hee.. M i being too naggy!? Perhaps I should juz let go!
Thursday, September 07, 2006

- White Chocolate Macadmia. This looks tempting! Yet to try but would love to eat it one day!
Missing him, my BROTHER!
Although I don't spend much time with my brother, like hanging out with him or things like that, we are still very bonded in a very special way. Siblings, we will always be! He will always be my small brother who used to follow me when we were still toddlers. He will always be there to advise me on things when we get older. He always be there to help me when I am in trouble. He will share all those exciting experiences he has for his photoshoot sessions and also those chilling out places he has been to. Although he didn't show his care explicitly but I know he cares for me and the family. Though I never say it out, but I really want to tell him that I miss him a lot! Not only me, mommy cried when she got home! Think daddy is missing him right now too..
I am worried that he is not able to adapt so fast to army life. I am worried that he is not able to befriend more buddies there because he is the introvert sort. I am worried that he cannot take care of himself. I am worried that he is homesick. I am worried that he will suppress his feelings in him.
I really miss my di a lot now! I just can't wait for the day that he can book out!
10.50pm: My brother called juz now!! Toked to him and get to know that he is settling well with his bunk mates! Sigh of relief to hear that piece of good news! Mommy's eyes were red after answering my di's phone call! She must have missed him even more than me! Wondering if he can sleep tonite! May the good Lord bless my brother always!
Am sad to see my dar dar so stressed up!
Sunday, September 03, 2006
Words hard to express.
Danger Mouse
You are tender, you fall in love quickly but you are also very serious about all relationships. You are a family person. You call your mom every Sunday. You have many friends and may occasionally forget a few Birthdays. Don't let your passion confuse you with reality.
Haa.. cool huh!? It's quite accurate! I will call my mom every now and then to inform her of my whereabouts. Don't want to let them worry about me. =) They have been worrying about me for the past 21 years and that is bad enough!
I really would love to thank all my friends who have supported me all these while, thru my exams period. They are Jen, Wen, Carinne, Ying, Ping Hui, Ting, Juan, Yan Ling, May, Xue Ming, Ying Qiu, Pei Hong, Candice, Jing, Sharon, Fang Yuan, Angeline and lots more.. These are the people who have given me words of encouragement! Of course not forgetting my drill committee buddies who helped to cover for my duties when I am away for classes or tests! Thank you so much all..
Want to thank Hui, my best pal cum school-class-mate for the past 8 years or so! She never fails to pull me along when I am lagging behing and always there to cheer me on whenever I feel low and down. Gal, jia you! We know we can make it, till the end!
Want to thank especially Jenny, my bestest buddy, who never fails to be there to share with me, my joy and woes.. who is always there to lend me a listening ear.. who is always so sweet to send me a msg to ask how I am.. Thank you for being my special buddy gal..
Would like to thank Sylvester's family, especially his mom, dad and tua yee! Thank you all for taking care of me whenever I drop by your house! Would apologise for any inconveniences that I have caused whenever I stayed over. Unlce, thank you so much for the yummy food that you always prepared and also for all the meals that you've treated us! Auntie, thank you so much for lending me a listening ear and willing to share with me your stress and worries! Tua yee, thank you so much for sharing with me about your life! Learnt a lot from you!!
Of course, I would love to thank Sylvester, my hubby-to-be! He has sufferered and endured a lot during this past year! 这一年来,我因要考到好成绩,似乎忽略了他。但我那温柔体贴的老公并没有一丝埋怨,反而还在我的身边鼓励我,给与我很大的推动力。我在此想感谢他者几年来对我无微不至的照顾。He is the best man (besides my Father in heaven, my dad and brother, Uncle Cogan..) that I can ever find on this Earth. Though I always pull a long face whenever I feel depressed or juz being tired. No matter how tiring it is, he will still want to make me feel happy and loved again! He's so caring that he never fails to understand and know the feelings that I am experiencing! I am so thankful that God has brought us together. Who can find someone with so many similarities and have similiar faces? 老公我直想对你说,"我爱你!"
Would like to thank my parents who have always been supporting financially! They help not only to finance my studies, but also gave me so much moral support and taught me to whom I have become today! They have instill in me good morals and values that I would always remember and will pass it to my own children one day. Though they may not express their love by hugging or throught those lovely dovey actions, they do it in other ways that most kids would think that their parents are just plain naggy people! Thank you mommy for all the delicious dishes you have whipped out for the family! Thank you daddy for always helping me out whenever I have a problem. Also would like to thank my brother who has been morally supporting me for the past 2o years together! Though he never explicitly tell me that he cares for me, but those small actions and things that he has done for me has made me very touched. He has become a grown-up man! No longer the small boy whom I once knew! =). Would like to thank Lucky as well for never fails to cheer me up whenever I am with her!
God is good, all the time! Would love to thank God for giving me a chance to trust and have faith in Him. Thank Him for answering every of my prayer requests! Thank Him for always blessing me with loving friends, pals, buddies, family, love ones.. Thank Him for giving me such a wonderful life!
Friday, September 01, 2006
Grateful. Thankful. Blissful.
Grace, Wisdom.. He gave me all! He heard my prayers and gave me what I derserved!
Yeah, ladies and gentlemen, I've passed my exams!