Thursday, August 03, 2006

So much.

I haven't been blogging for the past week and have so much to share! Is that MUCH!!! And I really feel like blogging. Life is totally bored and I wonder how working people can actually stand having to work 5 or even 6 days a week! Do you know how expensive food and transportation is when you work? No idea!? Try working for 5 days and you already can feel the pinch. ha. I'm speaking from a full time student point of view. I prefer to be a kid. A child. And the most of all, a student. Not much social stuff which you will need to handle compared to the working society! Shux.

Sigh. Tell you people something about me alright? Everything on my body is fake. Yeah. Have been for a plastic surgery. You all believe it? And I had a close shave with death when I did my liposuction. Ha. Funny yeah? Had a nose job but now it's still crooked. Laugh all you want. What in the world is it now turning into? Sociologists, where are you people? Why can't you all seem to find an answer to why the society view "beauty" = "slim"!? Try to change their way of thinking!! Shux! What's wrong with this society that girls have to be slim!? I am having a hard time trying to meet up with the standard. Perhaps I shouldn't forced myself because it is of no use!? I'm borned ugly. Yeah. Whatever.

So much. My blog title. I miss my dar dar and my family the most during office hours. I will strategise such that I am able to spend as little time as I can in the office. Sigh. I really hate going to work. Especially when there aren't anything for me to look forward to! Arghz. Come on. Companies, please treat your temp staff better. They are your employees as well. Heard of organisational justice!? When an employee feels he/she is unfairly treated, it's not going to do any good to your company! Yeah! WAKE UP!!! They are human beings too.

Work burnout. Diet burnout. I am totally burnout.

Worse. I miss him. I miss God.

Mom falls sick. Praying for her. Please help me keep her in prayers too! Brother going to be enlisted soon. I am going to miss him. Daddy has been good but keep him safe and sound when he is outside. Bester has been stressed out at work! God, I pray that your wisdom be with him always. Jenny, Ying and Sherine are at Bangkok. Lord please grant them journey mercy. Praying for all my friends and love ones!

Sigh. Burnt.

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