For peeps who have been faithfully reading my blog, they would know that the mobile phone that I am comtemplating to purchase is now finally out in the market! Have this struggle within me whether I should get just this phone or a 3G phone which comes with a 1.3 mega pixel camera function! Sigh. In my mind it says that I should get the cheaper one, which is the hot pink version of Motorola Razr V3... but on the other hand, it is telling me that I should get one that is more value for money which is the Sony Ericsson P600i. Oh dear! Which one should I buy? Girls are really fickle minded! Aren't they? One instance they said they want this and another they insist on that. Shux! Who can help me to decide? My brother suggested that I buy Nokia N70 and he will exchange his phone with mine. Sigh.
I really like the hot pink mobile because it is stylish with the PINK coat but on the other hand a 1.3 mega pixel camera can do me good as I like to take lots of photographs of myself and friends! Sigh. Am thinking of getting a new digital camera too! Mine is getting older and older each year! Should I or shouldn't I change it? Sigh. Another thing I have to waste my brain cells on...
I am getting FATTER! People, I am not joking about this thing. I am getting FATTER and FATTER each day. I hate how I look like now. A pig! Really, that is how I will describe myself. Hate it! Sigh.
Notes, they are everywhere! Sigh. When will I ever finish reading them?
Of course, there are some things which bring me happiness and laughter to my life. My parents, my brother, my dog and not forgetting Sylvester, my buddies, my GB buddies from BBSS and Drill Comm and also my schoolmates.
Met up with Jen, Ying and Carinne at Orchard this afternoon. Without fail, they have sure brighten up my life with their smiles and concern! We are just like close sisters talking almost about anything. But someone is missing! Wen, our another precious sis! Yupz.. She needs to revise for her last paper which is tested tomorrow! We miss her presence so much! Haa. The three of them were so stoning because they had late nights the night before! All of them were at some popular night spots and oh boy, I think they have quite a bit of fun there! haa.. Of course it is definitely not as fun as the 5 of us being together right? Oopz. haa..
Haa.. I miss them all!!!
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