Monday, September 13, 2004


Heheheee... This is how I feel..

A nger isn't going to help to solve the problem...
B e thankful always, cos God is there to help you...
C areful of what comes out of your mouth...
D on't ask what can God do for you... but ask what you can do for God...
E everything is being planned by Him, the mighty one...
F orever, He's there... to lend u a helping hand...
G od is love...
H oly holy, God almighty...
I gnorance is not always a blessing...
J ovial, a word that describes me?
K indess is a virtue that I've found in all my friends...
L ove your neighbour as yourself...
M ommy and daddy do care for me.. although I can sense that they like my brother better..
N o one is perfect in this world...
O pen up your heart to those who needs some of your love...
P ondering over the goodness of His love...
Q ueueing is a good habit.. duh? haha..
R ead the bible daily to recieve your daily bread...
S on of God is Jesus...
T o be served or to serve? Servant leadership...
U nderstand not based on our understanding but His...
V ery encouraging to see people coming to the His kingdom...
Z zzzZZZzzzzZ.. Some of you must be fast asleep when you're reading this..

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