Wednesday, February 03, 2010


泪流满面... but I've reminded myself to stay positive! POSITIVE and I can achieve it! But the amount of information loaded is simply too much for me to digest.

Bester said, "If we don't start studying this weekend, we will be so DEAD!" Haa... Got your point, dear hubby. Don't fret! We'll make it, somehow! =P


这个 blog 很自我吧? 我现在才发现每一个标题都是有个"我"字咽!

人老了,体重也跟着上升!哎哟, 这该如何是好呀?体魄也不如往年了.可以感觉的到我就快要生病了!哈哈!!!是时侯生一场大病,也可以让身体好好的休息!

Edited at 12.42pm. I saw the grossest thing on earth! A BIG FAT COCKROACH! It's making my whole body itch! Errrks.

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