因为没有把隐形眼镜给拿出来,所以才会在这世间从温暖的被窝里钻出来!现在有不能入眠了!How? 我失眠了啦!
Wondering what I did the night before? =P We have successfully held the Hens Night for our dear buddy, Carinne!!! Haa.. First it was us telling her that she won't be getting any celebration because while because she "popped" the question first mah! Ha. Then we "colluded" with Jia Rong to help us ask Carinne out on the 27th Feb 2010. Jen and Ying then waited at the MRT station for her while our 大小姐,made her way down to the meeting place (as expected she was late! haa.. thank goodness I put the timing @ 7.15pm yeah?) =P They then helped Carinne put on the tiara and thereafter made their way to our final destination - PUMP ROOM
=P Next surprise that we gave to our dear girl was the people whom we've invited. They are her sis, cousin, neighbours, of course us, BBSS-ians, and how could we forget her EY colleagues?
We then made her to the quiz while the rest of us wrote well wishes for the rom-bride-to-be. Woan Ni was very cute lah! She had written 3 cards can? Haa. "Your card is very small leh! Can I have another one to write more!?" That was what she told me lor! Alamak. You think we would let Carinne off so simply for the just filling up the quiz and do nothing else? Haa. WRONG! We then made her drink beer (about half a cup...but she never really have lah!) for every answer that was different from Jia Rong's (YEAH! We asked Jia Rong to do the quiz beforehand lah.)
Fulfilling her wish, we bought Carinne a bunny suit (with the assistance in changing from her sis, Kengie and cousin, Sharon!) =P Thank goodness Wen told Kengie to bring along a pair of tights! The dress indeed was kinda short! But I tell you Carinne looked so gorgeous last night lor! =P CHIO!!! *wolf whistle*
With the bunny suit, of course must do some NOTI things liao right? She had to complete in total 10 tasks that we had planned. Melody had to order a round of drinks to help Carinne boost up her courage level before attempting one of the "mission" Haa... Cannot say much here lah. Just in case Jia Rong is reading my blog ah. Haa..
Overall, I rated this HENS NITE a success. With all the surprise elements in it, and also the well planned and executing from her dearest buddies (uh-hum. Haa..BHB us ah?) and of course the wonderful and so siao "onz" guests... THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH!!!
Carinne, if you are reading this, I hoped you had the most fun night of your life, just before you enter the rite of the marriage with Jia Rong and then live happily ever after! Congratulations!
The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love. If someone comes into your life and becomes a a part of you but for some reasons he couldn't stay, don't cry too much...just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while.
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
It's really fustrating! Big auntie, will you be coming soon? If yes, please come like NOW leh...
Monday, February 22, 2010
=) Surprise!
Went CNY visiting to each and every buddy's place yesterday! Ying was sick so couldn't join us (but I hope that she is feeling much better now!)
Last stop was at Carinne's place and that was where all the surprises began! =P Kengie suddenly switched off the lights in the room. Both Carinne's bro and us were shocked on this move. Haa.. then came Carinne with the chocolaty birthday cake with the candles (yes! the candles indicated that I was 25! GOSH!) haa... AwwWWww... I'm so touched can!?!?!!!?? Cos I had already told my buddies that I didn't want any celebration nor birthday present this year.. (and any other years from now.. haa..)!!! Ai yo... I got to leave earlier because Bester was waiting for me at Westmall already. So here came the 2nd surprise! They actually bought me a present!!!!??!!! Haa... Wrapped especially by Jen using 2 wrappers! Oh my gawd... See what they got me!? Exactly what I wanna get for myself too! Haa.. Thank you girls for the lovely surprises! LOVE YOU ALL TO BITS!
Last stop was at Carinne's place and that was where all the surprises began! =P Kengie suddenly switched off the lights in the room. Both Carinne's bro and us were shocked on this move. Haa.. then came Carinne with the chocolaty birthday cake with the candles (yes! the candles indicated that I was 25! GOSH!) haa... AwwWWww... I'm so touched can!?!?!!!?? Cos I had already told my buddies that I didn't want any celebration nor birthday present this year.. (and any other years from now.. haa..)!!! Ai yo... I got to leave earlier because Bester was waiting for me at Westmall already. So here came the 2nd surprise! They actually bought me a present!!!!??!!! Haa... Wrapped especially by Jen using 2 wrappers! Oh my gawd... See what they got me!? Exactly what I wanna get for myself too! Haa.. Thank you girls for the lovely surprises! LOVE YOU ALL TO BITS!
The packaging! See the pineapple tarts at the back? That's my fav but cannot eat for now!

"Relive your best moments"
I've never felt so bloated. Ate too much over the festive season! HELP!
Friday, February 19, 2010
BF__! Fill in the blank.
BFG = Big Friendly Giant
BFA = Big Fat A**
BFN = Big Fat Negative
BFF = Big Fat Fail
Yeah. As expected. =(
Edited: Words are very powerful. Shall shut my ears off with any negative comments!
Edited on 22/02/2010 @ 12.46pm:
I think everyone is trying to log into the portal to check out their results. SIGH!
Edited on 22/02/2010 @ 2.12pm:
I can't believe my eyes! I PASSED MY F4 paper with a grade of 63 marks!!! I PASSED!!! I PASSED!!! BIG FAT PASS! HAHA... ehh.. did they give me another person's results ah?
BFA = Big Fat A**
BFN = Big Fat Negative
BFF = Big Fat Fail
Yeah. As expected. =(
Edited: Words are very powerful. Shall shut my ears off with any negative comments!
Edited on 22/02/2010 @ 12.46pm:
I think everyone is trying to log into the portal to check out their results. SIGH!
Edited on 22/02/2010 @ 2.12pm:
I can't believe my eyes! I PASSED MY F4 paper with a grade of 63 marks!!! I PASSED!!! I PASSED!!! BIG FAT PASS! HAHA... ehh.. did they give me another person's results ah?
Thursday, February 18, 2010
yeah! I'm having this problem! Feeling lethargic and tired all day round. How will I survive during examinations period? HELP.
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy 25th Birthday to me!
=) My GOSH! I'm 25 already. (Wen, not that I'm feeling really that old lah. But still felt like as though errrm..that we are aging!? Haa! If only we can always remain in our twenties!)
Thank you all for your birthday wishesssss! Felt so good to have so many great friends and buddies around me. REALLY BLESSED! =) I wish all of you a great Lunar New Year! 让我们大家都发到不清不楚, okie!? Haa...
Following are blessings from my 亲爱的老公 and my dearest brother and future sis-in-law, Su Yun! *wink* Haa...
Birks from baby. Nice! He still remembered that I've always wanted a pair with 3 straps!
Chanel! Guess what this is?! =P

Thank you all for your birthday wishesssss! Felt so good to have so many great friends and buddies around me. REALLY BLESSED! =) I wish all of you a great Lunar New Year! 让我们大家都发到不清不楚, okie!? Haa...
Following are blessings from my 亲爱的老公 and my dearest brother and future sis-in-law, Su Yun! *wink* Haa...
Birks from baby. Nice! He still remembered that I've always wanted a pair with 3 straps!

Chanel! Guess what this is?! =P

Any clue from the picture below?
Okie. My brother was commenting that I'm very 厉害 when it comes to using this! Will reveal more in the next post! Haa..
Want to know how we've spent out Lunar New Year as married couple for the first year? www.jaster150704.blogspot.com
Friday, February 12, 2010
"A series of misfortune events."
I remembered watching this movie a couple of years ago. It was about these 3 kids who were right down unlucky.
I was in their shoes since yesterday. Shan't elaborate.
Used to celebrate my birthday by distributing chocolates (and on the excuse of celebrating Vday!) to my friends, sch mates, etc.. but this year, I've decided not to! Why!? Sigh. Cos I am feeling old and auntie. He said so too. Utterly disappointed.
Edited @ 1.38pm
ate too much during the buffet! HELP!
I was in their shoes since yesterday. Shan't elaborate.
Used to celebrate my birthday by distributing chocolates (and on the excuse of celebrating Vday!) to my friends, sch mates, etc.. but this year, I've decided not to! Why!? Sigh. Cos I am feeling old and auntie. He said so too. Utterly disappointed.
Edited @ 1.38pm
ate too much during the buffet! HELP!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
IRRITABLE and MOODY. Stay clear.
Edited at 12.40pm
All I wanted to hear is you telling me that at that every instant when I asked. I don't think it is difficult to do that. Anyway, we are unique individuals, so just be it.
Edited at 1.49pm
I'm not the only superwoman around in this universe. There are plentiful out there.
Edited at 12.40pm
All I wanted to hear is you telling me that at that every instant when I asked. I don't think it is difficult to do that. Anyway, we are unique individuals, so just be it.
Edited at 1.49pm
I'm not the only superwoman around in this universe. There are plentiful out there.
Tuesday, February 09, 2010
Black and White.
True and False.
Right and Wrong.
Concern and Bo Chap.
Haa... you know what I mean? =P
True and False.
Right and Wrong.
Concern and Bo Chap.
Haa... you know what I mean? =P
Monday, February 08, 2010
HELP! I've got an ugly patch on my left cheek because of the pimple cream! It's making my skin too dry! Sob. I am going to look horrendous on CNY!
I might not need to study so hard afterall. =)
Edited at 3.41pm
I simply love black and white! =P Sigh.
I might not need to study so hard afterall. =)
Edited at 3.41pm
I simply love black and white! =P Sigh.
Friday, February 05, 2010
"Instant" blogging.
Will there be any invention in future that allows instant blogging when our mind generates the contents and outline of the blog entry? I think I will be the first few to use it! Well, by the time I have access to internet, I would have already forgotten what I want to write about. Haa. errr... trying very hard now to recall!
Wednesday, February 03, 2010
泪流满面... but I've reminded myself to stay positive! POSITIVE and I can achieve it! But the amount of information loaded is simply too much for me to digest.
Bester said, "If we don't start studying this weekend, we will be so DEAD!" Haa... Got your point, dear hubby. Don't fret! We'll make it, somehow! =P
这个 blog 很自我吧? 我现在才发现每一个标题都是有个"我"字咽!
人老了,体重也跟着上升!哎哟, 这该如何是好呀?体魄也不如往年了.可以感觉的到我就快要生病了!哈哈!!!是时侯生一场大病,也可以让身体好好的休息!
Edited at 12.42pm. I saw the grossest thing on earth! A BIG FAT COCKROACH! It's making my whole body itch! Errrks.
Bester said, "If we don't start studying this weekend, we will be so DEAD!" Haa... Got your point, dear hubby. Don't fret! We'll make it, somehow! =P
这个 blog 很自我吧? 我现在才发现每一个标题都是有个"我"字咽!
人老了,体重也跟着上升!哎哟, 这该如何是好呀?体魄也不如往年了.可以感觉的到我就快要生病了!哈哈!!!是时侯生一场大病,也可以让身体好好的休息!
Edited at 12.42pm. I saw the grossest thing on earth! A BIG FAT COCKROACH! It's making my whole body itch! Errrks.
Tuesday, February 02, 2010
5 mins.
...earlier and it saves me 15 minutes on the road! Cool. =P And I'm like half an hour earlier for work today.
Monday, February 01, 2010
我真的老了! 整个身体都腰酸背痛!这该如何是好?我想应该开始做运动吧了!
Haa... I was saying that my whole body was aching! Just because I slept on a high and hard pillow! GOSH! I'm getting really old. REALLY! Even my level of concetration is not as good as before. This is truly evident during the last half an hour of my lesson time. My eyes can hardly open! And you know what? This is also the case during weekend lessons! I AM OLD! 老了啦!How!? SIGH!!!
Sister T aka K, I hope that you are not affected by what you are going through now. You will definitely meet the one. Time. =P
Sister J, you did an excellent job! =P Will blog about it once it is over! GOSH! Haa... I am so excited!
Edited at 2.37pm: Watching it over and over again never fail to brighten up my dull day!
我真的老了! 整个身体都腰酸背痛!这该如何是好?我想应该开始做运动吧了!
Haa... I was saying that my whole body was aching! Just because I slept on a high and hard pillow! GOSH! I'm getting really old. REALLY! Even my level of concetration is not as good as before. This is truly evident during the last half an hour of my lesson time. My eyes can hardly open! And you know what? This is also the case during weekend lessons! I AM OLD! 老了啦!How!? SIGH!!!
Sister T aka K, I hope that you are not affected by what you are going through now. You will definitely meet the one. Time. =P
Sister J, you did an excellent job! =P Will blog about it once it is over! GOSH! Haa... I am so excited!
Edited at 2.37pm: Watching it over and over again never fail to brighten up my dull day!
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