The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love. If someone comes into your life and becomes a a part of you but for some reasons he couldn't stay, don't cry too much...just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while.
Tuesday, November 29, 2005
"...Deck the halls..Falalala..."
Hee.. Am very excited about this year's Christmas! Wanna know why? Cos I already have a series of programs awaiting for me. Going to celebrate with my Drill Comm ppl after our meeting perhaps either on da 14th of 15th! And on the 20th, there's a steamboat with Ting, Hui and Juan. Gonna have a yummy dinner with Jen, Wen, Ying, Carinne at Clarke Quay... Having a camp with dar dar maybe on the 17th and 18th! Having a dinner gathering at Auntie Maria's and Uncle Cogan's place... on the 24th and 25th!
Aint I fully packed with my dates or wat? haa..
Already started my shopping spree. Bought myself a OP skirt which is on 20% offer. (I dun have much money to spend on myself, you know?) Bought some presents for Bester's family already! Hee. Trying to go to more places to give ourselves more ideas what we can buy for them!
Sigh. The only headache I have now is my overweight issue! Have been eating non-stop ever since.. erm.. I dunno when! The flabby arms and spare tyre are back! Shux! Am now on a dieting mode! I am determined to lose those fats and say "bye bye" to them! Hee.. So that I will look good during Chinese New Year and most importantly my 21st Birthday! Haven't planned what I am going to do yet..
Sigh sigh sigh. Studies! Another problematic area... It is now heaps of "mountains" waiting for me to bring them down! Argh. I love to study! Yeah? Sigh.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Yawn... ZzzZzz
Haa.. I am feeling so cold right now. Yup. Stuck in school again.. Waiting for me next lesson to start. Seems like the school is my 3rd home! haa.. First is mine and Syl's... 2nd is Ying's house (the 5 beauties used to call it..) and followed by the school.. I sure have lots of room mates around here! haa.. Ain't funny? Then why am I laughing? Err.. LAMER!
Oh ya.. talking about LAMER.. there's actually a brand LAMER (guess it's pronounced as LA-mer) haa.. Do you how much it cost to buy their cosmetics and facial products? $2000 ++ haa.. Auntie Maria showed me on the magazine that she bought! It's "Style" magazine if you are intending to take a look at it.. haa.. Buy the mag now and get a bag for free.. Same goes for "Female".. haa.. Thinking of buying the "Style" mag as I like the orange bag! haa..
Sigh. Lesson starting soon.. Got to see Abdul again.. haa.. saw him just last night! Shux...
Tuesday, November 22, 2005
Went to Beauty World alone just an hour ago. Suddenly feel so lonely and upset. Tears was on the brim of my eyes. Sigh. No idea how much I have missed my parents, my brother, my buddies, hui and ting and juan... If you were to ask me who is the person I miss the most right now, my answer would be SYLVESTER SWEE.
Feel that my life is pretty sad. Study. Study. Study. Well, what to do? I have to accept that fact that I am still a full time student right? Sigh.
Was looking through the photos of my ex-cell group members in ther Friendster profile. Have not gone back to COS(BT) for almost 2 years!? Miss those girls from Rowl.. Know that there isn't Rowl anymore right? It has been given another name? Hee.. To all those Rowlies I know, I miss you all.. Miss those times we have cell together, praying and worshipping God... The happy moments that we all shared.. Haa.. Just love you all ppl!
Monday, November 21, 2005
And now my dearie is able to fall asleep and here I am typing my blog. Just read his blog. Felt very upset. I know that he misses his home and of course very dearly his parents. The long hours that he spent at my house isn't worth it. Sometimes he would just do nothing but use the computer the whole day just to wait for me to come back from school. It is tiring and totally boredom for him to be cooped at home. Poor him.
Are there some pills which I can take to keep me awake on nights that my dar can't sleep?
Sunday, November 20, 2005
Ho Ho Ho...
There are lots of catching up to do. HRM for example has got lots of readings which have piled up over the weeks. Not only that, I am supposed to hand in 3 essays because I had skipped the test!!! Sigh. School life is tough if we don't keep up with the momentum that we have started out with.. Sigh.
Enough of sighing. It's time to get to serious work! I will work hard and I must. "Never say DIE" is my motto for the rest of school term. And to all peeps outta who are having their examinations right now, especially to Wen Wen!!!, JIA YOU WOR!!! We all got to hang on and be brave to any obstacles that may come in our way!
Hee... I can feel it! The feeling of being hardworking again! Christmas is coming in another month's time. It's time for me to share more concern and care and love to those whom I love dearly!!!! Ho ho ho...
Saturday, November 19, 2005
This picture was taken in the coach on our way up to Genting. We stopped at this little hut which we told that we have about 15 minutes to go tandas. oopz! haa.. tandas is toilet in malay.. yeah.. do we have fu qi xiang? I do think we have! haaa...
This was taken in our room. It is the 2nd day in Genting already. Shivering. It was quite cold down there. Enjoyed the scenery that we see outside our hotel! Though we did not stay at the highest level, it feels already very nice to be so high up there. Love the clouds and the mist! Haa.. We tried walking in there and Auntie Sally and Auntie Maria were so cold that I lent them my jacket! haa..but it was a COOL experience!!!
Checking out time. Was looking after their luggages while they all go buy the things that they want.. Haa... Bester took a picture of us. We looked so sweet, isn't it? heee.. Again I feel that we have fu qi xiang!!!!! heee...
Overall the trip was good though there were a few hiccups here and there.. haa.. But there's one thing that I notice.. The customer service provided was erm... shan't say much here. But after this experience, I've learnt to treasure those who provide services for me in Singapore.
Thursday, November 10, 2005

Guess we do look alike in some ways right? haa.. I mean you can see that we have some similiar face features!? haaa.. Next is myself! Showing you the gal who has gained 4 kg ever since 2005~
Can you see the difference!? Sigh. Just came back from a 10mins jog because I have got school later on. Slept quite late last night, yet again. Panda eyes and eye bags are now making me feel like an idiot! Sigh.
Monday, November 07, 2005
I am in a holiday mood. For those who do not know, I am going for a Malaysia trip next week. Be back on the 17 November 2005. Gonna miss a few lessons. Sigh. Wonder if I can catch up... Sigh.
Hey, a part of me is thinking positively, telling me that I can do it. I did it for the past few weeks and now to give up? Isn't a waste? Sigh. Another side is saying that I am a total failure. I do not wish to disappoint my parents nor those who care for me. Sigh.
Am I getting a slight depression? Feel like crying nowadays! Sigh.
Cheer up gal.. God is there with you! And also not to forget my dear family, my dar and my bestest buddies, my best pals, and frenz.. :)
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Jasmine February/13/1985 Female (hehe.. next year is my 21st birthday..Noe wat to do right?)
What do you people think? Does it really reflect a gal whom you all know?

You are kind and possess graceful attraction.
You will not oppose to others, and no matter what, you always take a passive attitude.
You don't express your inner emotions easily, and will not actively lead others.
You tend to always take a safer path, and are rather timid.
You will not do anything adventurous.
Your type of women tends to have high aspirations, and hold huge expectation and ideals toward others. Therefore, in contradiction, you may be feeling dissatisfaction on the inside.
Your personality is very cautious, and have observing eyes.
You are good at reading other people's minds and feelings. And you don't get wrong.
You tend to manipulate people by using talent.
You are also very intelligent and have great kowledge.
You are always thinking of interests, before acting.
You tend to be rather temperamental person.
And once you make up your mind, you don't easily change, and can be obstinate.
Although you value relationships with others, you also like being on your own. Therefore you may suffer from your own contradiction.
Although you are a passive sort of person, you do possess perseverance and are a person of action. Once you are on fire, you show unbelievable energy.
You like dressing up, so you are suited to follow your career than staying at home.
Friday, November 04, 2005
Sigh. I do. This is one part of my brain telling me all these stuff. But the other just can't seem to get the whole brain start working again. Feeling stressed up and fustrated. I can cry over minor things. I kept telling myself that I got to start work again. Moreover, I'll be going for a 5 days 4 nights trip to Malaysia! Will be slacking again! Oh shux.. Jasmine, wake up please!? I beg you!
I am going to put this into action. Didn't go for morning lesson today because I woke up late. No one else to blame but for myself for not setting the alarm! I am determined and with God's wisdom and strength I am sure I can do it! I can! God help me! Thank you Lord.