hehehe.. anywayz.. Time flies... It has been a year plus ever since I started blogging.. Those memories that had been typed out will always remain in my mind.. Especially my invovlement in NDP and my relationship with God and Sylvester... wow! Those are the most awesome experiences that I ever have so far! I think I've grown up quite a bit.. well at least I'm now kinda more mature! Knows how to think a bit more.. yupz? hehehe..
okie.. I'm going to try out this picture upload function that was recently (erm? rite?) added to this blogger thingie! hehehe.. here comes!

okie ladies and gentlemen, introducing to you one my best buddies, Jenny Ong!!! (*Applause~*)hehehe.. She has been my bestest buddy ever since Sec 2! yeah baby.. da one who lent me a listening ear me when I was down or in trouble! The da one who encourage me when I didn't do well for my exams... The da one who understands me so well.. And from my voice she can immediately tell you whether I'm crying or not! She's da one.. none other than my best friend! Hehehe..
hehehe... Kinda miss my 4 bestest buddies rite now! heheehe.. But I'm glad that we'll be meeting up for the promotion lunch thingie! Can't wait for Sunday to come.. Hmmmz.. hehehee..
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