yeah.. as u can guess from the title of the blog! Jen, Wen, Me, Syl and Byran had lots of fun this evening...
It all began with me meeting up with Jen at Clementi.. Saw a few person during my bus ride... Firstly I saw Lavania.. then Desmond saw me.. (kekee.. didn't see him though..) Jen went to buy a pair of jeans for his brother! Wow.. such a nice sister go where to find rite? hahaha.. then we had Rotiboi for lunch! hehehe..Jen doesn't like coffee but surprisingly.. she does like the taste of the bread!
hehehe.. went JE entertainment KBox after that... Cos we were quite early hence we were just hanging out at the ice skating rink.. hehehe.. Brought back lots of memories for both of us.. we used to come in groups of 4 for a session of skating! hahaha.. those were the days... Not so much of responsibilities and stress... anywayz.. singing with Jen and Wen (who came 2 hours later due to her work discussion..) is a joy to me.. Just have to enjoy ourselves and dun have to worry whether we are singing in tune or not.. hehehe.. yeah! Too bad Ying and Carinne can't join us! If not it would be much more fun than this!
Syl and Byran met us gals at the Pizza Hut.. We had not 1 but 2~!!! hahaha.. Cos we did a feedback to the manager saying that the pizza crust is far too thin and there isn't much cheese on top of it! Hehehe.. well.. ended up she did the pizza by herself! Coolz.. good quality service! As for the pizza.. it tasted and looked so much better!
The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love. If someone comes into your life and becomes a a part of you but for some reasons he couldn't stay, don't cry too much...just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Monday, August 29, 2005
hahaha.. what a title for this blog.. hehehe.. well.. I'm now working temp.. (keke.. actually is for 3 days..) for a shop selling sandwiches! hehehe.. What's my job scope? oh.. nothing much..jus walk around the area with the board hanging on me.. and distributing the flyers!
huh.. this kind of job I also do ah? hahaha.. yah.. for da experience.. n of course I'm now in need of money... erm.. as in trying to save up lah! hahaha.. yupz!
(burp) jus had my lunch cum dinner.. OOoooOO.. Feeling so full now.. dar dar is already at my house.. pigging away.. yeah.. he's sleeping.. can't blame him! He worked for the whole day leh.. tiring for him! His chicken rice is in da kitchen.. waiting for its fate! hahaha.. to be in my dar's stomach!
hmmmz.. Went to da library this morning..! Hey..I said I WENT TO THE LIBRARY! You heard me right! hahaha.. For the first time, I actually borrowed books from the SIM library! hahaha.. Nothing unusual.. jus that it's my FIRST time borrowing books from there.. hahaha.... Guess it's da stress bah! the stress of me going to graduate in the year 2007.. that's my target! no matter how tough or hard it is I'm going to achieve that! and of course with quality results.. hahaha...
kk.. will keep u ppl updated of my results n everything.. yeah.. receiving it pretty soon..
huh.. this kind of job I also do ah? hahaha.. yah.. for da experience.. n of course I'm now in need of money... erm.. as in trying to save up lah! hahaha.. yupz!
(burp) jus had my lunch cum dinner.. OOoooOO.. Feeling so full now.. dar dar is already at my house.. pigging away.. yeah.. he's sleeping.. can't blame him! He worked for the whole day leh.. tiring for him! His chicken rice is in da kitchen.. waiting for its fate! hahaha.. to be in my dar's stomach!
hmmmz.. Went to da library this morning..! Hey..I said I WENT TO THE LIBRARY! You heard me right! hahaha.. For the first time, I actually borrowed books from the SIM library! hahaha.. Nothing unusual.. jus that it's my FIRST time borrowing books from there.. hahaha.... Guess it's da stress bah! the stress of me going to graduate in the year 2007.. that's my target! no matter how tough or hard it is I'm going to achieve that! and of course with quality results.. hahaha...
kk.. will keep u ppl updated of my results n everything.. yeah.. receiving it pretty soon..
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Drill Committee...
hiya ladies n gentlemen! Introducing to you, the Girls' Brigade Committee~ (clap clap) hahaha.. got someone missing though.. she's none other than our chairman Ms Ng Yaw Ling.. hahaha..

I gotta thank the ladies who had helped me during PnD service! Sokling hurt her finger while helping...Sorry Sokling and thank u so much for your help! Thank you Joey and Jami!! Thank you thank you!!!!
Hey gals.. I know that we'll still be having lots of fun and laughter after 40 years rite!? Hahhaa.. The BESTEST friends I've made in GB!

I gotta thank the ladies who had helped me during PnD service! Sokling hurt her finger while helping...Sorry Sokling and thank u so much for your help! Thank you Joey and Jami!! Thank you thank you!!!!
Hey gals.. I know that we'll still be having lots of fun and laughter after 40 years rite!? Hahhaa.. The BESTEST friends I've made in GB!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Still up.. yeah..
haiz.. yupz.. I'm still mugging on my notes... not that I have a test tomorrow! But just that I've got so much readin to do that I haven't finished mine! Arghz..
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
A new blog skin!
yeah~ hahaha.. there's Mickey Mouse craze going on out there.. so how can I not change my blogskin to a Mickey Mouse theme? Hmmmz.. I'm still not really satisfied with it.. hehehe.. but dunno what to do lor..
Sweet mommy helped me cooked a bowl of "mian xian" though I told her I'm not hungry.. hehehe.. da truth is I dun wanna eat.. Trying to lose weight! But I guess she knows the reason but just dun wan me to starve myself!
hehehee.. later I'll be going out ie if I can finish reading my notes! hahaha.. Till now I've only little knowledge about Soiciology! I'm dead.. hehehe.. Need to do a project too! arghz.. Going library later to do some reasearch on that! hmmmz..
Not much update! Perhaps I'll write more later? Stay tuned...
Sweet mommy helped me cooked a bowl of "mian xian" though I told her I'm not hungry.. hehehe.. da truth is I dun wanna eat.. Trying to lose weight! But I guess she knows the reason but just dun wan me to starve myself!
hehehee.. later I'll be going out ie if I can finish reading my notes! hahaha.. Till now I've only little knowledge about Soiciology! I'm dead.. hehehe.. Need to do a project too! arghz.. Going library later to do some reasearch on that! hmmmz..
Not much update! Perhaps I'll write more later? Stay tuned...
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Extra! Extra!
hahaha.. had a great time hanging out with my buddies and friends yesterday... Was celebrating Desmond's n May's bday.. Get to catch up with one another.. Was a great joy when we are all together, again, chatting and chatting and chatting... well.. and also to mention about things that used to happen to us! hahaha..
my Buddy J has got a bf! Feel so happy for as she has found her someone who loves her.. Got to meet up with them yesterday and my observation is that B will definitely treat my Buddy J veri well! (For Buddy J, he's a nice lad! Doesn't seem to be a coy guy to me.. hehee..)
Buddy JW just started sch.. hehehe.. buddy JW, if you are reading this, jia you for your new school term.. I know tough times is starting again for us but we'll "jian chi dao di" rite? yeahz!
Buddy C is having fun with her sch, I guess? hahaha.. She's a bright kid.. Dun have to study much also can get straight As! hehehe. Buddy C, jia you too okie? N got any good lobang must tell me hor.. erm.. things such as sales n stufF? hahaha..
Buddy PY is going Bangkok with Desmond..Terrence and Sherine.. hahaha.. all of us have already asked them to bring some things back for us.. As for me, I've begged Buddy PY to help me get a handbag or a bag! hehehe..Thank you Buddy PY!
Well.. guess it's kinda hard for us to get back to the life we used to lead.. like always hanging out @ coffee bean and just chit chatting! hahaha.. haiz..
my Buddy J has got a bf! Feel so happy for as she has found her someone who loves her.. Got to meet up with them yesterday and my observation is that B will definitely treat my Buddy J veri well! (For Buddy J, he's a nice lad! Doesn't seem to be a coy guy to me.. hehee..)
Buddy JW just started sch.. hehehe.. buddy JW, if you are reading this, jia you for your new school term.. I know tough times is starting again for us but we'll "jian chi dao di" rite? yeahz!
Buddy C is having fun with her sch, I guess? hahaha.. She's a bright kid.. Dun have to study much also can get straight As! hehehe. Buddy C, jia you too okie? N got any good lobang must tell me hor.. erm.. things such as sales n stufF? hahaha..
Buddy PY is going Bangkok with Desmond..Terrence and Sherine.. hahaha.. all of us have already asked them to bring some things back for us.. As for me, I've begged Buddy PY to help me get a handbag or a bag! hehehe..Thank you Buddy PY!
Well.. guess it's kinda hard for us to get back to the life we used to lead.. like always hanging out @ coffee bean and just chit chatting! hahaha.. haiz..
Monday, August 22, 2005
Superb weekends...
It was BOTC drill last sat.. had lots of fun! Finally get to catch up with da ladies I haven't met up with for so long!!! Like my ai ai Jami, Oilam, Joey, Mengru, Yawling, Sokling! Coolz.. yeah.. lots of fun and laughter.. and fellowship! Went Geylang, YongHe (da famous dou jiang you tiao) for supper.. Dar dar came to join us too.. (was so happy and grateful that he came all da way from his home to come look for me..) Thank you Ms Png for da treat! Thank you Joey for driving us there and da ladies back home after that.. Hehehe.. Saw Carinne's (my best buddy's) bf Jia Rong and dar's bmtc mates happen to be from my sec sch as well.. hahaha..
da world is that small! hahaha..
Slept till Sunday afternoon.. guess dar and me must be veri tired.. hahaha. Spent da whole day @ my house.. Had lots of yummy food.. Ordered 933 golden pillow.. well, it's actually bread with curry chicken but it tasted good.. A free meal though.. cos da delivery man was quite late by da time he got to my house.. Both dar n I felt quite bad abt it.. afterall he's earning a living.. I know how tough it is to work.. $$$ is hard to earn... (so to da kids out there.. dun anyhow spend ur parent's $$$ hor!)
hahaha.. Can't wait to go on a holiday with Syl's family! Well, it's so called my first time on a holiday with them.. Remembered that I used to go Malaysia with my parents n brother too.. but we would stay over at our relatives house.. so that hols mood wasn't that intense.. hahaha..
kkz.. That's all for da updateS! Take care..
da world is that small! hahaha..
Slept till Sunday afternoon.. guess dar and me must be veri tired.. hahaha. Spent da whole day @ my house.. Had lots of yummy food.. Ordered 933 golden pillow.. well, it's actually bread with curry chicken but it tasted good.. A free meal though.. cos da delivery man was quite late by da time he got to my house.. Both dar n I felt quite bad abt it.. afterall he's earning a living.. I know how tough it is to work.. $$$ is hard to earn... (so to da kids out there.. dun anyhow spend ur parent's $$$ hor!)
hahaha.. Can't wait to go on a holiday with Syl's family! Well, it's so called my first time on a holiday with them.. Remembered that I used to go Malaysia with my parents n brother too.. but we would stay over at our relatives house.. so that hols mood wasn't that intense.. hahaha..
kkz.. That's all for da updateS! Take care..
Friday, August 19, 2005
hehehe. yo yo yo.. wazzup!? Arghz? what's wrong with me dude!? oopz.. here I go again!
Was with dar dar last nite.. Had a tasty meal @ da Pizza Hut.. hahaha... Was savoring our triple cheesy crust pizza.. n hamster was so cute..nibbling away da cheese that oozed out of the crust.. hehehe.. but all thanks to dar for this wonderful treat!
n yet another good decision made by him.. we went to watch "Must Love Dogs".. nice show!!! Simply love it cos lots of cute dogs (erm hmm..n not hunks) for you to keep a look out for! hehehe.. n there is this particular dog who was simply so adorable.. just like my good old Lucky...
Mentioning about her.. Recently she has been not her usual self.. Well.. usually when I come home she will get all excited.. Very hyper that kind.. but nowadays it seems that she has toned down a bit.. but if i pretend to "beat" her she gets very frighten and jus play dead, flat on da ground.. hmmz.. wondering if it's bcos got ppl beat her up in da middle of da nite n we didn't noe.. arghz.. Or is she suffering from some illness? But she can eat and play with you (well.. when you initiated it..) so I doubt it.. hmmz. I wonder..
I love dogs.. Used to have a German Shepherd and a mongrel.. and a "lost but found" dog.. the sherpherd is called "Joe" and da mongrel "Lucky" and da other one.. well.. mommy loves da name "Lucky".. so we named it "Lucky"! hahaha.. kinda miss Joe and the 2nd Lucky.. haiz.. wonder how they have been... In da hands of good owners? I hope so! God, please keep them safe and sound..
Was with dar dar last nite.. Had a tasty meal @ da Pizza Hut.. hahaha... Was savoring our triple cheesy crust pizza.. n hamster was so cute..nibbling away da cheese that oozed out of the crust.. hehehe.. but all thanks to dar for this wonderful treat!
n yet another good decision made by him.. we went to watch "Must Love Dogs".. nice show!!! Simply love it cos lots of cute dogs (erm hmm..n not hunks) for you to keep a look out for! hehehe.. n there is this particular dog who was simply so adorable.. just like my good old Lucky...
Mentioning about her.. Recently she has been not her usual self.. Well.. usually when I come home she will get all excited.. Very hyper that kind.. but nowadays it seems that she has toned down a bit.. but if i pretend to "beat" her she gets very frighten and jus play dead, flat on da ground.. hmmz.. wondering if it's bcos got ppl beat her up in da middle of da nite n we didn't noe.. arghz.. Or is she suffering from some illness? But she can eat and play with you (well.. when you initiated it..) so I doubt it.. hmmz. I wonder..
I love dogs.. Used to have a German Shepherd and a mongrel.. and a "lost but found" dog.. the sherpherd is called "Joe" and da mongrel "Lucky" and da other one.. well.. mommy loves da name "Lucky".. so we named it "Lucky"! hahaha.. kinda miss Joe and the 2nd Lucky.. haiz.. wonder how they have been... In da hands of good owners? I hope so! God, please keep them safe and sound..
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
hehe.. Finally got to jog this morning... but it was quite a short distance.. Usually will jog from my house to Gombak MRT station and back to my house again.. but for today's journey, it has been reduced to half da usual route...hahha.. nvm.. it's a good start isn't it?
hmmmz. tidy up my room a bit.. trying to make it have this veri comfy feeling.. something like stepping into a hotel room that kind? hahaha.. dunno if it's possible but will keep trying.. kekez..
oh yah.. didn't mention that I've bought a new pair of shoes.. U.R.S.. brown with pink ribbon.. Syl said that I've got an unique taste.. hahaha.. I'm created uniquely by Him! hehehe..
these few days have been going well and good.. not many hiccupz.. saw Lydia's precious daughter on her Friendster's pics.. Grace looks simply adorable! hehee.. Congrats Lydia! hehehe.. awww..
hmmmz. tidy up my room a bit.. trying to make it have this veri comfy feeling.. something like stepping into a hotel room that kind? hahaha.. dunno if it's possible but will keep trying.. kekez..
oh yah.. didn't mention that I've bought a new pair of shoes.. U.R.S.. brown with pink ribbon.. Syl said that I've got an unique taste.. hahaha.. I'm created uniquely by Him! hehehe..
these few days have been going well and good.. not many hiccupz.. saw Lydia's precious daughter on her Friendster's pics.. Grace looks simply adorable! hehee.. Congrats Lydia! hehehe.. awww..
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
So many things to do...
Phew.. They are like so many things that I have to do but so little time to accomplish all in one day!
- Tidy up my whole house and room.. (All these cannot be done w/o my brother's help cos I need him to clear his stuff which is all over the place. Going to exchange a cupboard with him)
- Go jogging..and doing exercise.. Intending to do that everyday! I hope..
- Recopy my sociology notes into the newly bought exercise book that looks so cool..
- Read the bible and pray daily...
- Be a good daughter, sister, friend, gf.. (errr.. I think I've to tone down a bit.. My temper is horrigible!)
- Go buy some stuff from IKEA... (seems like it is my fav place now!)
hehehe.. Help! Think I'm getting this "tidy-ur-place" syndrome! Errr... you have to keep your place tidy and clean, all the time! Arghz.. HelpZ!!!
- Tidy up my whole house and room.. (All these cannot be done w/o my brother's help cos I need him to clear his stuff which is all over the place. Going to exchange a cupboard with him)
- Go jogging..and doing exercise.. Intending to do that everyday! I hope..
- Recopy my sociology notes into the newly bought exercise book that looks so cool..
- Read the bible and pray daily...
- Be a good daughter, sister, friend, gf.. (errr.. I think I've to tone down a bit.. My temper is horrigible!)
- Go buy some stuff from IKEA... (seems like it is my fav place now!)
hehehe.. Help! Think I'm getting this "tidy-ur-place" syndrome! Errr... you have to keep your place tidy and clean, all the time! Arghz.. HelpZ!!!
Monday, August 15, 2005
Here I am Lord...
Lord I offer my life to you..
Everything I've been through!
Use it for You glory!!
And Lord I offer my days to You..
Giving my praise to You!
As a pleasing sacrifice!
Lord I offer You my life...
Things in the past, things yet unseen..
Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true..
All of my hopes.. all my acclaim...
The joy and the pain...
Are lifted to You!!!
Thank you Jesus.Father and the Holy Spirit..
Everything I've been through!
Use it for You glory!!
And Lord I offer my days to You..
Giving my praise to You!
As a pleasing sacrifice!
Lord I offer You my life...
Things in the past, things yet unseen..
Wishes and dreams that are yet to come true..
All of my hopes.. all my acclaim...
The joy and the pain...
Are lifted to You!!!
Thank you Jesus.Father and the Holy Spirit..
Sunday, August 14, 2005
"It's over.. it's over.."
NDP 2005 is finally over!!! Missing all da gals...
Not at home at the moment.. yeah yeah!
Not at home at the moment.. yeah yeah!
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Being positive!
Okie.. I admit I'm a person who thinks rather negatively but when it comes to consoling others, I'll try to make them think more positively! Strange isn't it? Was trying to take a cab yesterday n it was half an hour's time b4 we all gather @ GBHQ! Was praying that a cab would come fast! Dar comforted me... Trying to make me think positively but I guess I snapped at him! Sorry!
Think all these while when things happen, certain negative thoughts were weaved in my mind! For example, dar jus got his room kinda 'renovated' then I'll keep thinking that he doesn't like to come to my room anymore.. That's one of the reasons why when we tidied up my room I was kinda sulking! arghz..
I've got to be more positive! Come on gal... What happen to the old Jasmine who used to be so bubbly!? Arghz.. Come back gal... And not only to be your usual self but to God too! Don't pray just because you need His help! Yeah.. I need God to set things right in my life! (Suddenly, I prayed to Him! Felt so nice to be in a conversation with Him!)
Think all these while when things happen, certain negative thoughts were weaved in my mind! For example, dar jus got his room kinda 'renovated' then I'll keep thinking that he doesn't like to come to my room anymore.. That's one of the reasons why when we tidied up my room I was kinda sulking! arghz..
I've got to be more positive! Come on gal... What happen to the old Jasmine who used to be so bubbly!? Arghz.. Come back gal... And not only to be your usual self but to God too! Don't pray just because you need His help! Yeah.. I need God to set things right in my life! (Suddenly, I prayed to Him! Felt so nice to be in a conversation with Him!)
Friday, August 05, 2005
Here's the reply..
Dar dar asked me not to reply his msg.. cos scared later wake his buddy.. jus wanna tell him that I feel comforted by his words.. and I know that Father in Heaven is there to watch over me...
jus now was quite a scary experience.. Ppl.. it's really highly advisable not to drive in fatigue! Blurry vision, non-concentration on the roads.. All these are hazards not only to yourself but to other road users too! So be considerate always!
hehehe.. Good nite ladies.. Good nite gentleman..
jus now was quite a scary experience.. Ppl.. it's really highly advisable not to drive in fatigue! Blurry vision, non-concentration on the roads.. All these are hazards not only to yourself but to other road users too! So be considerate always!
hehehe.. Good nite ladies.. Good nite gentleman..
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Inconsiderate drivers!
arghz.. some drivers just want to be fast and faster... Can't they wait even for one minute? As if that one minute really matters? Perhaps is not the speed.. is the waiting time? Or is it because of their personality? Hmmz..
Dar dar is fast asleep now. So here I am typing my blog while waiting for him to wake up. I didn't take out my contact lenses for the whole of last night.. Have been wearing it ever since last morning... Felt so uncomfortable this morning... with debris keep piling up around my eye.. arghz.. yucky feeling.. makes my vision blur too.. yuckz!
The stupid cough is killing me! It's killing me! arghz..
Dar dar is fast asleep now. So here I am typing my blog while waiting for him to wake up. I didn't take out my contact lenses for the whole of last night.. Have been wearing it ever since last morning... Felt so uncomfortable this morning... with debris keep piling up around my eye.. arghz.. yucky feeling.. makes my vision blur too.. yuckz!
The stupid cough is killing me! It's killing me! arghz..
First day back to school.
hehehe... Sociology! Tot it was a dry and boring subject! But guess what? I'm beginning to fall in love with this module! Yupz... It's the systemic study of human society... Basically it will be like doing a research on certain norms that happens in our daily routines..
Need an example? Say drinking coffee.. Why do some of us drink coffee? Coffee as everyone knows that it contains a drug caffine.. So why is that that when we drink coffee we are not caught for committing a crime? hehehe.. hmmz.. Something for us to think about?
Hey... I love to think! Somehow I feel that this subject is kinda similar to General Paper? It requires you to process and to think why things happen in certain ways.. yeah.. hehehe.. Gender and social class.. which one will affect you more? Think about it again! Keke.. Tag me if u wanna do more discussion k?
Coolz.. I'm getting all excited for school again! hehehe.. Haiz.. if only da same goes for my passion for God too.. it's kinda going downslope nowadays! haiz..
hehehe.. "It's a happy day! And I praise Lord for the weather..."
Need an example? Say drinking coffee.. Why do some of us drink coffee? Coffee as everyone knows that it contains a drug caffine.. So why is that that when we drink coffee we are not caught for committing a crime? hehehe.. hmmz.. Something for us to think about?
Hey... I love to think! Somehow I feel that this subject is kinda similar to General Paper? It requires you to process and to think why things happen in certain ways.. yeah.. hehehe.. Gender and social class.. which one will affect you more? Think about it again! Keke.. Tag me if u wanna do more discussion k?
Coolz.. I'm getting all excited for school again! hehehe.. Haiz.. if only da same goes for my passion for God too.. it's kinda going downslope nowadays! haiz..
hehehe.. "It's a happy day! And I praise Lord for the weather..."
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
wow.. was reading thru my past entries and actually found out that my command of english was actually better then.. Arghzz... After reading through the past few entries, I feel that those are actually written by a secondary school girl who is trying hard not to make too many mistakes in terms of grammer and etc..
hehehe.. anywayz.. Time flies... It has been a year plus ever since I started blogging.. Those memories that had been typed out will always remain in my mind.. Especially my invovlement in NDP and my relationship with God and Sylvester... wow! Those are the most awesome experiences that I ever have so far! I think I've grown up quite a bit.. well at least I'm now kinda more mature! Knows how to think a bit more.. yupz? hehehe..
okie.. I'm going to try out this picture upload function that was recently (erm? rite?) added to this blogger thingie! hehehe.. here comes!

okie ladies and gentlemen, introducing to you one my best buddies, Jenny Ong!!! (*Applause~*)hehehe.. She has been my bestest buddy ever since Sec 2! yeah baby.. da one who lent me a listening ear me when I was down or in trouble! The da one who encourage me when I didn't do well for my exams... The da one who understands me so well.. And from my voice she can immediately tell you whether I'm crying or not! She's da one.. none other than my best friend! Hehehe..
hehehe... Kinda miss my 4 bestest buddies rite now! heheehe.. But I'm glad that we'll be meeting up for the promotion lunch thingie! Can't wait for Sunday to come.. Hmmmz.. hehehee..
hehehe.. anywayz.. Time flies... It has been a year plus ever since I started blogging.. Those memories that had been typed out will always remain in my mind.. Especially my invovlement in NDP and my relationship with God and Sylvester... wow! Those are the most awesome experiences that I ever have so far! I think I've grown up quite a bit.. well at least I'm now kinda more mature! Knows how to think a bit more.. yupz? hehehe..
okie.. I'm going to try out this picture upload function that was recently (erm? rite?) added to this blogger thingie! hehehe.. here comes!

okie ladies and gentlemen, introducing to you one my best buddies, Jenny Ong!!! (*Applause~*)hehehe.. She has been my bestest buddy ever since Sec 2! yeah baby.. da one who lent me a listening ear me when I was down or in trouble! The da one who encourage me when I didn't do well for my exams... The da one who understands me so well.. And from my voice she can immediately tell you whether I'm crying or not! She's da one.. none other than my best friend! Hehehe..
hehehe... Kinda miss my 4 bestest buddies rite now! heheehe.. But I'm glad that we'll be meeting up for the promotion lunch thingie! Can't wait for Sunday to come.. Hmmmz.. hehehee..
Monday, August 01, 2005
A sigh of relief for everyone... The tension was great... Well @ least for me... Bcos I haven't come across such things before... Just glad that both the brothers have talked things out and building their relationship up again. God is in control of everything, I'm praying hard..
Last night, Syl asked me.. "Aren't you afraid of certain things like u noe.. those weird and horrifying stuff?" hehehee.. Most of time though I'm afraid, but I know with God who's in my heart, I would have no fear against anyone except for Him, the Almighty one! hehehe..
Same thing, say when I quarrel with Syl, most of the time I would be thinking is because I didn't put things into His hands and always do things in my way.. and that's the reason why we have arguements so often! Have heard many testimonies about how God has changed their lives when they live the life that God wants to lead..
Harlow Sebastian.. noe from Syl that u read my blog... Anywayz, if you do happen to read this entry, jus wanna ask how's ur leg injury? Getting better? Do take care! yup yup... : ) Hope da 4 of us can hang out more often.. To understand each other even better yeah? :) hehehee..
hehehe... another sigh of relief for Ms Angeline n officers and all the NDP gals! Another 1 practice and actual and we'll regain our freedom! Ahhhz.. Freedom! hahahaa.. Am I making it sound too erm.. uninteresting to come for NDP practices!? Hey hey ladies from the Girls Brigade.. n especially to those who are intending of participating next year, it's very fun and cool! Though there's sweat during the rehearsals.. and of course the scoldings... but other than that, the fellowship with one another is definitely a wonderful experience! Not forgetting the KFC and Pizza Hut we had! hehehe.. guess some of us may have grown sideways a bit? hehehe..
I will miss NDP'04 and NDP'05 ladies... Next year won't be in! hahahaa.. Contract is up! hehehee..
Last night, Syl asked me.. "Aren't you afraid of certain things like u noe.. those weird and horrifying stuff?" hehehee.. Most of time though I'm afraid, but I know with God who's in my heart, I would have no fear against anyone except for Him, the Almighty one! hehehe..
Same thing, say when I quarrel with Syl, most of the time I would be thinking is because I didn't put things into His hands and always do things in my way.. and that's the reason why we have arguements so often! Have heard many testimonies about how God has changed their lives when they live the life that God wants to lead..
Harlow Sebastian.. noe from Syl that u read my blog... Anywayz, if you do happen to read this entry, jus wanna ask how's ur leg injury? Getting better? Do take care! yup yup... : ) Hope da 4 of us can hang out more often.. To understand each other even better yeah? :) hehehee..
hehehe... another sigh of relief for Ms Angeline n officers and all the NDP gals! Another 1 practice and actual and we'll regain our freedom! Ahhhz.. Freedom! hahahaa.. Am I making it sound too erm.. uninteresting to come for NDP practices!? Hey hey ladies from the Girls Brigade.. n especially to those who are intending of participating next year, it's very fun and cool! Though there's sweat during the rehearsals.. and of course the scoldings... but other than that, the fellowship with one another is definitely a wonderful experience! Not forgetting the KFC and Pizza Hut we had! hehehe.. guess some of us may have grown sideways a bit? hehehe..
I will miss NDP'04 and NDP'05 ladies... Next year won't be in! hahahaa.. Contract is up! hehehee..
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