There are a lot of things to pray for...
First all of, can all of you who are reading this bloggie.. Please pray for my sister-in-Christ.. my cell group member.. my gal.. my friend.. Her mom is supposed to be home by the 20th from an overseas trip but she hasn't been home yet.. Pray for her safety return.. N also comfort for the family.. Especially for the girl... Thank u so much!!!!
Pray for those NDP gals... They will be in tip top condition to march this Sunday.. N also that there will be full strength.. Pray that they will not fall out during the rehearsals.. They did rather well for the past few practices.. BUt.. I guess I'll have to comment on certain things.. If not we're going to be in trouble..
Pray for the SYF gals... n the flag barrier.. n the commanders! Hehehee... Pray that God will provide them strength n energy to last them for the practice n on the actual day.. sorry ai ai.. I can't be around on that day..
Pray for everybody's health.. The haze is kinda irritating our throats n noses... Drink lotsa water everybody!!!
Yupz yupz.. Pray for my friends are out there.. who are on field camp.. Pray that they will return to their camps safe n sound..
Pray for bluesheep (if u all know who she is..hehee...).. She has been rather busy... Need to keep up with all those datelines n stuff.. Pray that she'll not be stressed out.. N also for her health.. Guess she's recovering from her cough?
Yeahz.. guess it's about it.. :) Thank all of ya for praying! :)
Matthew 7:7 Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.