The greatest challenge in our life is to find someone who knows our flaws and differences and yet still willingly embraces you with so much love. If someone comes into your life and becomes a a part of you but for some reasons he couldn't stay, don't cry too much...just be glad that your paths crossed and somehow he made you happy even for a while.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Sick. Fat. Decided.
Urgh. I'm FAT. Can see from my face lah! Ballooned.
...I want to be my bubbly self again! I am who I am and shall not restrain myself from doing anything I used to do. Feeling so much happier. Have to let go. Have to.
Monday, January 29, 2007
Duck Rice. Orange. 3 slices of Bread with Kaya. 2 bowls of Sweet Soup. Ha. Fat till I die. Sob. Can see all the fats already! Sob Sob.
Woke up especially early (considering that my waking up time is around 9 plus!) to get ready for school. Urgh. Guess what!? I DO NOT have MSM lesson today! Gosh. Reach there 10 mins before nine and silence greeted me when I entered the lecture hall! Couldn't believe it! Went to check the E-board to see if the venue has been changed but to my dismay, the friend I called (just woken up from her sweet sleep) told me I can go back home and sleep le lah! Alamak. Sad. Could have slept a while longer with Bester and have a good and hearty breakfast with him! Shux.
Decided to go home. Without keys. Yup! You can guess what's next. My parents weren't home! Both of them went Westmall Shop n Save for groceries shopping. Keke. Told them I will wait at the bus stop but my bladder couldn't hold any much longer. Climbed over the gate and went to the toilet at my back yard! Urgh. Don't worry! I've made sure it's "coast clear" so that I won't be mistaken as a house burglar lah. Spent the next hour with Lucky and doing CF Chapter 10 revision. Keke.
I'm sick of studying. I just want to get this over and done with.
Blogging. Everyone seems to be doing it lah. Can't imagine what will happen to our in future. Trips to the moon? Cashless society? Sigh.
God bless everyone I love.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Urgh. I won't forget so easily, "professor". I will curse and swear!
Friday, January 26, 2007
Urgh. So much stuff I've yet to do. Main and foremost priority would be my studies! I don't think I can score as well as I did the previous time! Shux. That goes my 2nd Upper Class. Sob Sob.
Invesment Management. Gosh. Don't give me your $$$. I will lose it all.
I'm addicted to Milo + Oat. Yummy. Just finished another cup.
Jasmine sings...
"It's a raiiiiiiiiiiiny day. And I'm sitting her on the bus, it's a raiiiny day! It's a raiiiiiiiiiiiny day. And I want a bowl of hot soup on my tabletop. It's a raiiiiiiiiiiiny day! It's a raiiiny, raiiiny day! It's a raiiiiiiiiiiiny day... It's a raiiny rainy rainy day!"
Haa.. My self composed song. Ask me and I'll gladly sing it for you to hear! =P Bored to the core.
CF. Derivatives. Swaps. Options. Forwards. Futures. Sigh!
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Monday, January 22, 2007
so contradicting! Ha.
I'm blessed to have such a good hubby-to-be.. =P
He took great care of me!!!
Friday, January 19, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Anyway, Dar got lost last night (was late due to meeting and couldn't fetch him back from school.) while making his way back home from Bukit Timah Food Center! Gosh. He took bus 173 which was going towards Clementi instead of Bukit Batok terminal. Kegs. He ended up somewhere near Yusof Ishak Sec and thank goodness he knew that bus 963 goes back to my place. Phew! Was so worried for him when my dad told me that he didn't reach home yet!
But guess what did dar buy for me? My favourite "tangyuen"!! Yummy. Brought him to EATz, a 24 hour shop selling "bar chor mee" and both of us gobbled up a bowl of noodles! (err.. still prefer dar's place "Chai Chee bar chor mee"!). It's located at Rail Mall. Keke. Had a fun filled night!
Had pizza for lunch! We had fininshed almost 2 regular pan pizzas at one go! Sigh. See! How can I not get fat with all the yummy food right? Hee. But I love eating with Bester. You will enjoy more when eating with someone you love! =)
Monday, January 15, 2007
-Happy 2 years and 6 mths anniversary honey!
Watched "The day after tomorrow", yesterday evening! Keke... Was giggling because it was our first date when we caught this movie!
Laziness is setting in me, yet again.
Saw a beautiful eagle soaring in the air somewhere near my school! Inspiring me lots.. =P
Sunday, January 14, 2007
Empty. I really don't know what I should do. Putting on pounds made me go "ga ga" but I can't stop myself from eating. *toot* Hated it.
Hate my life, myself.
Rain, rain, go away!
Saturday, January 13, 2007
my heart is kinda shattered. those words, pierced right through my heart. what is happening?
Friday, January 12, 2007
Errors with previous blogskin. Wasted 2 whole hours in front of the computer. Don't even know what I am doing nor what I am going to do.
pitter patter. rain. go away.
fats. don't haunt me.
pms. more mood swings. stop it!
school. exams. stress.
It's still raining heavily.
And worst, I am heavy! 58kg!
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Am supposed to revise. LAGGING behing time. Seriously, tell me how can I ever finish studying everything with only 5 months. I know, am giving myself excuses. Sigh. Spent some Quiet Time with Him today. Something which I would like to share with my readers. =)
"Should mystery enshroud His plan
And our short sight by dim,
We will not try to scan
But leave each thread to Him."
Thought we may have plans made ahead of us however ultimately God shall decide where we're going and what we will become. Things don't always go as planned. Proverbs 16:7-8 "When a man's ways are pleasing to the Lord, He makes even his enemies live at peace with him. Better a little with righteousness than much gain with injustice."
Where God's finger points, His hand will make a way.
Sunday, January 07, 2007
More pics!
Saturday, January 06, 2007
Ying's 22nd...
WoW!!! Amber had just celebrated her 21st birthday and most of us are turning 22 pretty soon!! Age is really catching up on us. Urgh. Wrinkles. Grey hair. Sagging skin. Gosh! I hate to age!
If people ever ask me how old I am? I will say I am 21. Forever! Haa. Can pose off as that age because we don't look that old YET right? Ermm.. Haa.. =P
Some pics! Enjoy!!
Birthday Girl. Ying. Chio!
Red lobsters! Chiobu. Jen!
Always sweet looking. Wen!
Hot babe. Sherine!
Still have some photos not received! May, sent me the one we took okie!? =)
Friday, January 05, 2007
Cafe Cartel.
We were actually studying in school till Bester very wanted to go window shopping! Headed to Bt Panjang Plaza..kekee.. decided to treat ourselves to a good meal before setting off to school again for another round of 'serious' revision.
Getting fatter. Shux.
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
All of the above have made me lose control of my food intake and I'm weighing this much now.
Sigh! 2 days. Counting down to my first exam paper!
Monday, January 01, 2007
Belated Xmas Pics!
HongKong Cafe.

Had an enjoyable New Year's Eve dinner with Dar Dar @ Marina Square Xin Wang!!! Yummy food filled our hunger and we then proceed to our next activity, window shopping! Tried on a dress but dar said it doesnt look too nice on me.. kekee.. =)
Note: Don't visit Cine's Xin Wang when there are lots of ppl.. Service sux!
Happy 2007 to everyone!!